

Sustainability can be used in today’s society as a marketing tool to convince consumers that the company is doing a good job. Sustainable manufacturing is an oxymoron, and we are very aware of that. Taking things from the earth to produce products at mass scale is something that modern day society is used to and has an effect on our behaviour. This over-consumption where things are so accessible and cheap (at times) allows us to be frivolous and encourage a throw-away-society. The main challenge for us as a human race is to change our perspective; recycling isn’t enough – we need to change the way we consume. We must consume less and shop smart and understand what we are buying and where it is from. We need to see how pro-longing a product that we already have and use and the trade-off between longer lifetime and reduced environmental impacts of buying new products. We understand that there is always more we can do, which is why these efforts are just the beginning. We are continuously improving and trying to push for a new industry standard.


Here at Joy Resolve we take a holistic approach to creating more sustainable products. Challenging industry standards and practices at every stage of our production process is difficult and can slow things down – but we are committed. Creating products for a better life means constantly working to improve our methods of making them. We believe quality is the best form of sustainability and we are committed to a more sustainable future. Not only are our products not made in sweatshops, but we also have numerous policies designed to target ongoing improvement including the use and recycling of materials, natural and renewable resources, minimisation of waste, as well as responsible design. We are motivated by our community and your trust means everything to us, which is why we are committed to transparency about our materials, sourcing & manufacturing processes.


Here at Joy Resolve we start with the environment in mind when designing products. The key principle of the approach is ‘designing out waste’ to fit the product into a circular economy where the value of the product, it’s components and material are maintained and not wasted. The entire environmental impact related to our products and their entire life cycle needs to be considered.

Joy Resolve are constantly working to improve our ability to pro-long our timeless products through repair, re-use & upgrade energy related products.  For example, when a customer has a faulty unit – we replace the faulty base and with a new base and try and fix the fault. If we cannot fix the fault, we can easily deconstruct the product to separate the components which can be re-used or recycled responsibly. Improving recyclability or use of recycled materials in product manufacturing contribute to better close material cycles. 


Joy Resolves domestic products have all been designed with longevity in mind and to reduce environmental footprint where possible. The greatest emphasis is placed on the choice of materials such as steel, glass, aluminium and timber, which can be easily recycled using carefully planned separate collections. In addition, Joy Resolve fully complies with the stipulations of the EU directives RoHS (restriction of hazardous substances) and REACH (registration, evaluation, authorisation and Restriction of chemical Substances), going further than just the minimum requirements. If customers want to upgrade their Joy Resolve product; we design the products in a modular way in which you can disassemble and swap out components of the product without having to purchase a whole new unit.



Joy Resolve products are integral to the company’s, fully compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. These are all compatible with one another, enabling an easy integration into the three management systems.

UNI EN ISO 90001 outlines the requirements for the adoption of a quality management system in order to help companies improve their production and management processes, ensure product quality and increase customer satisfaction.

UNI EN ISO 14001 is a standard which outlines the requirements for the adoption of an environmental management system and provides guidelines that companies can follow when drafting corporate policy on eco sustainability and pollution. The certification focuses on optimising the use of energy and natural resources and quality systems for waste disposal.

OHSAS 18001 certification shows that Joy Resolve has voluntarily implemented a sound occupational health & safety management system



Solid performance and low energy consumption are common features of all Joy Resolve electronics. Special focus is placed on building products to last and working hard to obtain the highest energy efficiency class rating as possible on each and every new product introduced in order to reduce environment impact and improve quality of life.



Our London office is situated in a WeWork which just received the award for recycling in 2020 for a significant contribution towards helping the environment.

  • 27,300 KG of recycling
  • 68 Trees saved
  • 23,40 kg of CO2 saved
  • 121 meals for vulnerable people

As we grow we are always looking to maintain our flexible, reliable and ethical values.

Come say hi if you are near London Fields.

Kind Regards

Team Joy Resolve

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